Using 4-D Mapping for prototyping how the Baobab Energy could affect MSOLA community and pastoral life.
- 4D mapping explores how the highest aspiration in a system might come forward. We assume there is an underlying wisdom – in spite of the diverse values or goals of stakeholders in a system – that could come to the surface and be visible as we move from Sculpture 1 to 2.
- Participants apply mindfulness of body and awareness of the surrounding space. 4D mapping is not about acting out pre-conceived ideas or concepts we have about a system.
- 4D mapping is about surfacing and noticing what shifts in a system might be significant in going from a current reality to an emerging future reality.
- Movement is based on what is actually emerging, not based on manipulation or what we think something should be.
In the first sculpture there were different feelings: anger, disappointment, sadness, surprised, sorry and peace.
In the second sculpture people moved from their previous original position to approach themselves to one or another stakeholder. At the end everyone moved towards the Baobab energy and they were all interwoven.
The feelings that they had at this moment were: compassion and desire to help, calming down, stillness, full of hope, concern and understanding, joy, peace.
Some learnings:
During the time of conflict, it was important to notice that the “wisdom of baobab” understood each one. As conflict is normal, it is part of life. The energy of the baobab invited each person to look for peace and understanding. The importance of keep constantly turning to the “SOURCE”.
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