Wednesday, July 6, 2016


We started the day with a drum dance. Drum dance is a way of meditation and getting intouch with oneself and an encounter with God.

The call of the day: presencing  (presence and sensing)

Called to let go everything that is not essential and an invitation to let come and to the deeper purpose in life.

According to the deepest assumption of theory U, each  human being and each community are not one but two selves, the current self and the emerging future self. The objective of the U experience is that the twos selves begin to listen to each other. 

“Our past very often shapes our present life”.

“Jesus was so human, so human that he could only be God –It  is through our humanity that we discover  our divinity.”

We want to bring our voice as the young professed sisters to  the general chapter 2017. We chose to present the symbol of the baobab tree which has the following qualities:

Solid, resistant, medicinal, fecundity, shelter, strong and thick, sacred,  food, unique and beautiful, etc.

We explored how we are already living these qualities and how we are being challenged by them.

On a beautiful note we concluded the day celebrating  the presencing with our daughters the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Ouagadougou (the sisters, novices, postulants and the general council) and our brothers the Missionaries of Africa with passion and joy.  We had  wonderful time with music, songs, eating and sharing. Each one of us received a souvenaire of kitenge. Indeed it was beautiful and unforgotable.

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