Friday, April 8, 2016


How I envision the prophetic role MSOLA is invited to play in the life of the Church and also in the world?

Supporting, standing with those who are oppressed, encouraging them to speak or at times speaking for them because they trust our voices can be easily heard, we can use any means to denounce all evils, the media and joining other groups that also are answering the call of being prophets. Our world is filled with violence and many question about God’s presence, we can journey with these people to revive their hopes. Creating more awareness on the seriousness of protecting Mother Earth. As we remain alert to discover the modern forms of slavery in the areas where we are, I feel it is important to help the people become aware, because I feel many are ignorant about it. Some of the injustices are happening in the Church and we really need courage to speak out: especially those we see happening in the places where we are or people share with us because they trust us.

Anna Nduku Muia

We reach out to many immigrants that are increasing in  a large number.

We keep on working for JIPIC especially as we care for our Mother Earth.

There are still different forms of human trafficking where we could continue to sensitize people about them.

Jane Francis Namaganda

I do not see the new one but I want to emphasize what is already there: involvement to be voice of the voiceless in view of their rights and dignity, i.e. Children and Women. There is also empowerment of  people and promoting rights against a new forms of slavery which are manifested in different ways. Showing love to the unwanted in different ways and try to leave the places which can continue to function without us. This will be more connected to the idea of our founder  “to be initiators”. There is also an aspect of education of the Women and Children who sometimes are forgotten by the society.

Fides Mbabarempore

Looking at the Church and our World today I feel the prophetic role MSOLA is invited to play is to encourage religious dialogue, to unite with Pope Francis in preaching the Gospel of Mercy and love especially to the marginalized groups in the Church; for example, the un-wedded couples, the homosexuals, and to prophecy to the Church that it is high time she changes her strict Sacramental rules especially for women married to polygamous men. And also to take good care of our Mother Earth, this is to say we are invited to preach the gospel of not defiling the earth with plastic papers and other materials that can destroy the soil and nature as a whole.

Redempta Kabahweza

We are exclusively missionaries sent to the African people and the marginalized where ever they may be. To remain women apostles, to be sent and to be available to the needs of the Church and time.

To embrace the web pattern of collaboration in transforming the lives of the most marginalized people of God.

To empower people with confidence and conviction that power to change their destine lies within themselves e.g. power to care for the earth and environment at large.

Vickness Nangogo Muleya

Envisioning the prophetic role MSOLA is invited to play in the life of the Church is what I see in my dream for MSOLA. In this sense, not following the crowd rather making differences in our lives and with our lives.

Edith Numgnenuore Yendaw

To be a bridge and source of communion between the whole of humanity and people of different faith.

To continue to explore and implement various aspects of justice and peace and integrity of creation wherever we are.

Ferroudja Chabane

Inter- religious dialogue, to preparer leaders, continue to work with the Church, and continue to bring the missionary character to the local Church, JPIC and promotion of human dignity at all the levels.

Adeline Furaha Nkata

Some of the  prophetic roles MSOLA can play are: to embrace areas where none wants to go: in the villages or build affordable schools (not very costly)  for the poor since education is a key to success but only children from rich families have a chance to study. Many children are condemned to house works, to begging and to other bad practices to support their family. People who will see us not looking for high benefits but teaching the excluded ones will understand that we are prophets to them. Even Schools run by religious though having competences are very expensive nowadays. To have a number of us in basic care to help in issues like HIV/AIDS, physical challenged people, aged people.To help the youth to get employment, to teach them some crafts work like embroidering, sewing, knitting which can be another way of doing MVA.

In many areas, people are hungry and homeless, let us provide food for them, and build shelters for those we can afford.

In refugees’ camp where I visited, there in a need of catechists and chaplains, even in the parishes and in different schools and universities sisters are running away from teaching religion; I don’t know our stand as MSOLA? People are not only hungry of food but also of the Word of God, of justice, of peace and unity. Maybe in one way or the other, we are responding to these above points.

We talk about refugees and migrants, especially those entering in Europe, how about those homeless in Africa. We have unnumbered refugees camps and migrants here in Africa. I am sure that they are also in need though the international news is not talking about them; they are people like us and did not choose to be refugees and homeless. They are waiting for us to be moved from the inside and do something either with them or for them.

Marie Ange Ndayishimiye

  • Interreligious dialogue, ecumenism
  • JPIC
  • To prepare leaders, who will bring a change in the Church and in the world
  • To collaborate more with Missionaries of Africa and different organization

Anna Wójcik

The prophetic role that I think that MSOLA is invited to play in the life of  the church  and  in the world: Guided  by the spirit, MSOLA try  to discern  what is going on in  the Church and  in the  world , we  take time to  see  what can we do.  I would say that MSOLA is invited to share with our collaborators what we see in order to build our Church and world together. So it is to put salt in the food. It is to make the people aware of the situation.

Priscille Nisubire

Witness of God of love, peace and unity through our joy in intercultural and international living together.

Dialogue with Muslims and different denominations; by the fact that we belong to the same Father.

Agnes Wangeci Waweru

Witnesses of peace in our communities, promoting justice, peace and integrity of creation and accompaniment of people (counseling, education in the sense of creating awareness) with insistence at the family level.

Georgette Ouedraogo

I envision the prophetic role MSOLA is invited to play in the life of the Church and the world as call to esteemed dignity and respect for human being and care for the creation. In a world that is destroying and abusing our Mother Earth , our contribution as MSOLA will call us to  commit ourselves more and inspire our solidarity and respect for all life.

Hélène Kavula Bikwe

I see us being expected to do anything or go anywhere to help people experience Jesus Christ in their daily lives in the context that we are inserted in. I see us going where there is real need of the Gospel and being open to the diversity of today’s reality.

Linah Siabana

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