Friday, June 1, 2018



As a MSOLA, how have you been a woman apostle in the different places where you have been?

Through different apostolates such as:  teaching in various schools, with women - especially making soap, inter-religious dialogue between Christians and Muslims especially in schools and family apostolate.

Was there any prophetic action you remember particularly? 

I remember how I was trying to make peace between people of different religions, especially Christian and Muslim.

When you think of your experience of living in international and intercultural communities, what comes to you?  Some words, an image, joys, challenges

My experience living in an international community was good.  We get used to other cultures and realize that no food is better than the other. Interculturality encourages us to learn different languages.  When I was young, I lived in the family in the mines and there were people from different parts of Congo, Burundi and Rwanda so I lived internationality and interculturality even before joining the Congregation, therefore I had no problem living it in the community. 

When I hear of internationality, I encourage the sisters to live it. If we say that we live in international communities and we do not go well with each other, we shall be cheating.

Joy:  I was the only African in the Postulate and after that in the Novitiate. The others would correct me especially in the language. Nevertheless, the experience was good because I knew French so I had no problem in communication.

Image: I see international communities like a candle that burns slowly. l

We are the younger MSOLA generation, still in the stage of temporary vows; what would you like to say to us?

I am happy seeing the young sisters coming and I love to have younger sisters in the Congregation.

Interviewed by Sr. Agnes Waweru Wangeci
Nairobi, Kenya

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sr. Sophie for sharing with us how you lived our aspects of internationality/ inter cultural...keep the light burning, may all our communities be a source of life, joy and harmony so as to be truly bearers of hope.
