Wednesday, July 6, 2016


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Attention, Attention, Attention!

"Pain that is not transformed is transferred" (Richard Rohr)

Trauma that is not transformed is transferred. Trauma is part of our lives and it is a positive response to an overwhelming event that happens in our life. It can be small or big. We all go through traumatic experiences in life.

Trauma is any experience that overwhelms one’s normal coping mechanisms.

Stress is any experience that requires changes in one’s normal coping mechanisms.

Trauma Release Exercise: during these exercises each one of us experienced different movements in their bodies. The following are some of the experiences lived and expressed: Healing, liberty, inner freedom, transformation, self love, tenderness, calm, peace, fatigue, pain, sleep, heaviness in the body, etc.

After living this experience that is life transforming, we have become transformed and more compassionate towards our story and the story of the other.

We invite you dear readers to look at your field of conversation, is it…

Downloading:  Talking nice?
Debate: Talking tough?
Dialogue: Reflective inquiry?
Collective Creative: Generative flow?

We did an exercise using the case clinic to lead us in the process of dialogue and collective creativity. The fruits of the exercises are based on the real life experiences and situations that we are living in the community, the apostolate and the evangelical counsels.  The fruits gathered where listening, experience of love, care, concern, encouragement, compassion, suggestion for possible solutions to the different cases presented.

Dare to live the experience as well!

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