Redempta: As a MSOLA, how have you been a ‘woman apostle’ in the different places where you have been?
Flora: It was important for me to be with the people, to work ´with them´, to enable them to use their own potentials. I am also aware that I have received a lot from often very simple people, from their deep faith, their joy, and from their generosity towards others often out of their own love.
Redempta: Was there any prophetic action you remember particularly? Could you explain it?
Flora: When living in Kalilo, a village in the Copperbelt (Zambia), I often went to visit the sick and went to funerals, especially of persons denounced as witches. One day I visited an old sick man and I went with a lady who was both a prayer leader and a community health worker. Upon entering the house, I went to the sick and greeted him with the traditional handshake. I was aware that my companion did not touch the old man. Afterwards she explained to me that he was denounced as a witch, as he could only have got so old because he was ´eating´ his grandchildren (not physically but their early death was explained that way). On the next visit, led by my example, this lady too reached out to touch the sick man.
Redempta: When you think of your experience of living in international and intercultural communities, what comes to you? Some words, an image, joys, challenges…
Flora: Being a MSOLA among other MSOLAs, desiring to live our vocation together, I find that challenges arise mainly from our different characters, upbringing etc. and the way we learned ´hospitality´, to be ready at any time to welcome people and spend time with them.
Redempta: We are the younger MSOLA generation, still in the stage of temporary vows: what would you like to say to us?
Flora: Trust in the One who called you, especially when times are hard. It is not so important what and how much we do, but how we do it; our simple gestures of welcome, of presence, of acceptance, and of reaching out to others, are often what speak the most. In my experience, it is sometimes what we have done or said unconsciously which have shown themselves to have been important for someone.
Listen to the voice of the Spirit; develop a discerning attitude to be able to become aware of the Spirit at work in you and around you.
Live forgiveness, not only expressed in words, but by being ready to go beyond hurts.
Redempta: Thank you very much dear Flora for such a sharing, full of wisdom. I feel so touched and blessed. You are a blessing to us young professed Sisters.
Flora: Dear Redempta, thank you for who you are and the mission you live with abused children. May God bless you and fill you with an inner gentle joy in following him.
Malindi, Kenya
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