Wednesday, July 6, 2016


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Breaking news!  

Theme for the 2017 General Chapter: “Bearers of hope, listening to the voice of the spirit, moving forward together towards the peripheries”

Periphery…marginalized places/ people, the voiceless, talent and potential unexplored, situations neglected at personal and collective levels.

Who is a fully alive woman?

Our experience in groups to feel with woman, her sufferings represented in the collective drawings of the identity of the woman led us to the following responses:

Nature: Woman bearer of life and hope in struggles through resilience – a woman lives a life of struggles yet deep within her is that power of resilience to give birth to hope and life.

Lavigerie: The liberty of an African woman is possible - Despite the sufferings that the woman goes through; she has potential to face the challenges of life but most of the times the potential is not explored because of the culture and religious beliefs. Even if she suffer, she is the source of hope and life.

Misericorde: Woman source of life, who fights for a better life – the woman possesses in her the multi potentials which allows her to face the challenges of life and enables to move on with life.

Pope Francis: Woman, source of life despite oppression -  from our image we found that the woman even if she has difficulties she has in her an energy which allows her to bring life that is why we conclude that she is the source of life even if she is oppressed.

Pelican: Passion for life in a challenging world – an African woman has great passion for life despite the challenge and difficult situations the society presents before her.

Water: Journey to fullness of life - Woman “African woman”  with all her struggles, difficulties, challenges, ups and downs are all for life giving , life in its fullness; the journey of an African woman is not that straight.

The enemies of transformation according to theory U:

The Voice of judgment, voice of cynicism and the voice of fear.

Interesting experiences: drawing the masks representing the different voices.

What was our experience?

Through laughter and dance we felt liberated and accepted our masks; with a lot of joy, energy and with hope for change and not letting these voices to influence our life in future.

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